Sally Parent; CR, CM
Certified Reflexologist, MACSL Legs/Feet, Certified Massage Therapist
Sally is a Certified Reflexologist and a Certified Massage Therapist. In 2003 she completed a one-year program in Washington State for Certification of Reflexology and Massage. Sally maintained a reflexology practice for 3 years in Washington until moving to California in 2006 where she has practiced reflexology and worked with Sylvia and her clients since 2008 doing reflexology and MACSL appointments for legs and feet. She has completed over 100 hours of continuing education for reflexology in Washington and California including several advanced classes at the American Academy of Reflexology in LA. She is a current member of ABMP (Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals), RAA (Reflexology Association of America) and RAC (Reflexology Association of California).
Cell: 360-600-1201